For many people, the Covid-19 pandemic won’t be thought of as merely the prompting of a global health crisis. Instead, they’ll view it as a time of reflection, a time to rethink their purpose and meaning. In other words, a time of transformation. And few things are as helpful during seasons of crisis as digging through a stack of must-read books. Already, millions are embarking on what’s being dubbed The Great Resignation . As the economy reopens, workers are reawakening to the realization that they aren’t where they want to be. As such, they’re quitting careers in the hopes of self-reinvention. Many are taking time off to figure out what they want. Others already know and are launching businesses in record numbers . You may be somewhere along the spectrum between Burnout Recoverer and First-Time Entrepreneur. Regardless of where you fall, you’ll need guidance. And what better place to look for support, mentorship, and inspiration than in books? Whether you explore them while curl...